HIGH in Humboldt County

‘‘The most dangerous worldviews are
the worldviews of those who have
never viewed the world.’’
- Alexander Von Humboldt

Humboldt County, located on the northern coast of California, has a diverse history rooted in logging, fishing, and agriculture. However, it gained significant attention in the 1960s and 1970s when it became a focal point for the counterculture movement and the rise of the cannabis industry.

The counterculture movement had a significant impact on Humboldt County during the 1960s and 1970s. The region became a magnet for individuals seeking an alternative lifestyle and a break from mainstream society. Here's some more information about the counterculture movement in Humboldt County.

Back-to-the-Land Movement: Many people disillusioned with urban life and societal norms were drawn to Humboldt County's natural beauty, fertile land, and remote locations. They sought to live a simpler and more self-sufficient lifestyle, often referred to as the "back-to-the-land" movement. This movement emphasized sustainable agriculture, communal living, and a closer connection to nature.

Communes and Collective Living: The counterculture movement in Humboldt County saw the establishment of various communes and collective living arrangements. These intentional communities aimed to create alternative social structures based on shared resources, cooperation, and non-hierarchical decision-making processes. Communal living provided a sense of community and support for individuals pursuing their countercultural ideals.

Environmental Consciousness: The counterculture movement in Humboldt County was intertwined with environmental activism and a deep concern for nature conservation. The region's pristine forests, rivers, and coastline inspired a strong environmental consciousness among the countercultural population. Activism focused on preserving the natural environment, protesting logging practices, and advocating for sustainable land use.

Political Activism: Alongside their focus on environmental issues, countercultural groups in Humboldt County were active in various political movements. They protested against the Vietnam War, advocated for civil rights and social justice, and voiced opposition to corporate and governmental control. Political activism was often accompanied by expressions of personal freedom, artistic expression, and experimentation with alternative lifestyles.

Cannabis Culture: The counterculture movement in Humboldt County coincided with the rise of the underground cannabis industry. The region's ideal climate and secluded geography made it a prime location for cultivating marijuana. Many countercultural individuals embraced cannabis as a symbol of rebellion, personal freedom, and spiritual exploration. The cultivation and distribution of marijuana became an integral part of the countercultural economy in the region.The counterculture movement in Humboldt County played a crucial role in shaping the region's identity and values. It fostered a sense of community, self-sufficiency, and environmental stewardship that continues to influence the area today.

The legacy of the counterculture movement, along with the cannabis culture that emerged during that time, has left a lasting impact on Humboldt County's social fabric, economy, and reputation.